 | 1st in Arizona in Math for Project for Study of Academic Precocity (PSAP). |
 | 2nd in USA (top freshman) in American Computer Science League (ACSL) contest. |
 | 3rd place in International Croquar-95 contest. |
 | Top computer student at University High School (admits only top 2% of students). |
 | Scholarships from PSAP & Johns Hopkins to Talent Identification Program at Duke University. |
 | US 6,393,362 "Dynamic safety envelope for autonomous-vehicle collision avoidance system." |
 | US 6,442,456 "Anti-rut system for autonomous-vehicle guidance." |
 | US 6,799,100 "Permission system for controlling interaction between autonomous vehicles in mining operation." |
Other Honors
 | Chosen to participate in 50 year SMPY study of geniuses (top 0.01% cognitive ability). |
 | Promoted to Chief Software Engineer over Modular Mining Systems' biggest project, the $7 million Autonomous Truck project. |
 | Unofficial Modular Mining Systems company guru, frequently consulted by engineers from all over the company. |
 | Sent to MineExpo mining convention to demonstrate my Dispatch Virtual Filesystem project to potential clients. |
Honor Societies
 | Member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi |
 | Elected secretary of Eta Kappa Nu, ran Spring Fling fundraiser and other activities |